
IS006 - Trimming, Immersed, And Non-Conforming Methods

Organized by: B. Marussig (Graz University of Technology, Austria), R. Bouclier (ICA, INSA-Toulouse, Université de Toulouse, France), M. Larson (Umeå University, Sweden) and E. Rank (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Keywords: adaptive IGA, geometry representation, isogeometric analysis, local refinements, quadrature formulas
Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) allows the utilization of spline-based geometric representations for performing numerical simulations. While smooth splines have proved to be an excellent tool for approximation, generating analysis-suitable spline models is still a fundamental problem. Firstly, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) geometries are usually defined by boundary representations (B-Reps). Furthermore, these B-Reps often consist of a collection of trimmed tensor-product spline surfaces that are non-watertightly connected. Trimming, immersed, and non-conforming methods address the related numerical challenges such as deriving volumetric discretizations from B-Reps, integrating arbitrary cut elements, establishing connectivity between non-watertight surfaces, etc. Therefore, they provide crucial techniques for realizing a paramount vision of IGA - the seamless integration of design and analysis. This mini-symposium brings together experts working in this field. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Simulation methods for trimmed geometries * Global and local reparameterization techniques for trimmed geometries * Analysis-suitable Boolean operations * Immersed methods and related concepts, including Immersogeometric methods, CutFEM, Finite Cell, TraceFEM, etc. * Volumetric representations (V-reps) * Analysis-suitable smooth splines on multi-patch quad/hex meshes Besides theoretical studies, the mini-symposium also welcomes related application-oriented contributions.