Call for Abstracts
The submission of oral contributions to the Thirteenth International Conference on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA 2025) is open. Oral contributions will last 20 minutes, including Q&A.
Authors are invited to submit individual contributions to any of the Minisymposia hosted by the Conference by selecting one of them from the drop-down menu when uploading the abstract by March 24, 2025.
Abstracts shall be written following the MS Word or Latex template available below and should be one page long, including figures and references.
Download Template:
They are expected to briefly outline the main ideas, results and briefly describe the topic and the state of the art (including up to 10 citations), identify the lack of knowledge or the scientific /engineering research questions that the study aims to address, summarise the methodology, the results, and the conclusions, as well as describe their general significance. The name of the speaker at the congress needs to be underlined.
A unique contribution is allowed to each speaker.
The system only accepts PDF files for the abstract contributions.
Instructions for abstract submission:
- Register to the conference website (here) using your email address. Introduce the confirmation code received by email and select a password.
- Login to your account (here).
- In the section “My Profile” (here), complete your personal information.
- In the section "My Contributions” (here), click on "Submit contribution” and fill the required information about your abstract.
- Click the “Submit” button.
Feel free to contact the Conference Secretariat for any question.